Yikes. I think that’s my new favourite word right now. For a while there I couldn’t stop saying “my life” every time something mildy shocking or annoying happened. Now I think I like ‘yikes’. I think ‘yikes’ is the ‘my life’ of summer 2015. Some say fashion is seasonal. Why not words? I should do a ‘words lookbook’ on YouTube…I’m thinking out loud, aren’t I? Yikes.

Aaaand…to the topic of today’s blog. #IGLC! Woop! Guess what? This month, the wonderfully talented Kerstin Hammes of Fluent Language has joined me in curating the prompt list for the Instagram Language Challenge. I’m so excited. You’ll never guess what she’s gone and done? Video challenges! Flipping things on their heads over here! Love that idea. Of course, if you want to add your own videos for the other prompts then you are very welcome to do so.

Here are your prompts for June:
#IGLC Instagram Language Challenge June Prompt List Lindsay Does Languages Fluent Language Kerstin Hammes Blog
And here’s a little reminder of how it works, or a fresh reminder if you’re new the the Instagram Language Challenge this month!

Use the words as inspiration for new vocabulary, sentences, or idioms in your target language. Take a photo or make a little 15 second video to help you remember your new word. You can edit it using fancy apps like this one, or add the vocab in the description on Instagram. Totally your call. As long as you use the hashtag #IGLC in the description so I can find it and like it and say hey then you’re good to go. Join in! It’s fun, free, and…formidable. See you on Instagram.

Oh yes, and if you’re after some inspiration, check my profile or Kerstin’s profile to see what we’ve done for past IGLC prompts!

Will you be joining in with the Instagram Language Challenge this month? What language will you be learning? Share in the comments!