Welcome to April..ish. I’m posting this month’s Clear The List a few days early because I’ll be in sunny Slovenia at the start of April. And would you really believe my goals if I posted them on April Fools Day?

Time to get busy!

What are your language learning goals this month? Join Clear The List and share them! Click through to get your free monthly language learning planner.

A lot of people loved the planner I shared with you last month, so I made you one for April too!

Click the image below to download your free monthly language learning calendar for April. Use it to keep track of your language plans and goals for the coming month. Woop!

How did March treat you? It was a fun one here on the blog and YouTube!

Here are a few of my favourite things from March:

10 Very Cool Ways to Maximise Google Translate for Language Learning
My 10 Favourite Things for Learning Korean So Far
All The Reading Resources for Language Learning Than You’ll Ever Need
9 Reasons to Learn German
Do Endangered Languages Matter?

March went surprisingly well for my goals.

Why surprisingly? Well, I set myself some pretty big goals and ended up going beyond them. Woop!

Let’s look at it in detail.

Language Learning March Review

Korean Carry On

I’ve been really happy with how Korean has kept going this month.

Mini wins include finishing Boys Over Flowers (how dramatic!), using Snapchat to document new vocabulary (so fun!), and booking weekly lessons for the next few months with a tutor (woohoo!).

Shannon and me also had a chat the other day and planned the next couple of months together. More on that in a mo.

Slovenian Travel Bits

I did pretty well in getting through the 452 word long Memrise course.

There were days when I didn’t have time to do as many words as needed to keep up to speed, and so I changed my goal in advance on those days to keep my streak. (Cheating? Not cheating? I dunno.)

We shall see how it goes as I travel to Slovenia this Thursday. Hooray!

Language Learning Goals for April

Use Slovenian a little each day in Slovenia

I want to make sure that the Slovenian I learnt doesn’t go to waste and I get a chance to use a little Slovenian each day during my time there. I’m talking a little more than the usual hello, please, and thank you here.

To make sure it happens, I’m going to jot down a few of the phrases from the course that can be said to make casual remarks, such as Je to cesta za…? (Is this the way to…?), which I can ask to get some practise and make sure I do use it every day.

Keep going with Korean

Once I get back from Slovenia, Korean will be my main focus again.

I have weekly lessons booked with my tutor on Fridays to discuss what I study on my own in the week.

My current schedule looks a little like this:

I focus on one lesson each week from How To Study Korean by reading and making notes on Monday, listening and writing what I hear on Tuesday, writing my own sentences using the vocab and grammar from the weekly lesson on Wednesday, and speaking those sentences on Thursday before checking my sentences on Friday.

It’s working really well as it also gives me some time each day to bring in other languages, which has been Slovenian but in April will be replaced by…


Are you going to this year’s Polyglot Gathering in Berlin?

I’ll be in Germany for a whole week at the start of May and I can’t wait!

But German isn’t a language I use, study, or practise regularly so I’m planning on bringing it into my daily life a little each day. Not so much studying, more exposure.

In particular, I’ll be using YouTube, news sites, and podcasts to increase my Deutsch exposure.


Normally when I’ve ‘stopped’ learning languages in the past, it’s been because my academic course has stopped. So I’ve actually been relieved to stop!

However, Japanese was different. I found myself missing studying Japanese. So now I’ve done a month or so of pretty much just Korean, I’ll be bringing a little Japanese back.

After finishing Boys Over Flowers, I started watching Switch Girl on Viki, which is a Japanese comedy drama based on a manga. It’s pretty fun and totally different to Boys Over Flowers.

I’m going to finish watching Switch Girls and making notes on what I hear and understand to get me some exposure to Japanese again. Yay!


Did you know the Instagram Language Challenge happens every month? It’s a chance to practise a little language each day on Instagram.

Every month I share a new list of prompts for you to use as inspiration for something new in the language you’re learning.

This month, as well as my own language learning, I’ll also be sharing a daily #IGLC image inspired by the prompt for English learners. If you’re learning English, be sure to follow me on Instagram to see that!

Click here to see the prompt list for April and read more about how to join in!

How did your language learning go in March? What do you have planned for April? Share in the comments!

Join Clear the list!

Clear The List

Your free planner for april!

If you missed it up top, you don’t have to scroll all the way back up. Heck no.

Click the image below to get your language learning calendar planner straight to your inbox for free, amigo. Woop!

P.S. If you’re already on my mailing list, use your password to get it direct from the Little Language Library.