Are there uses of ChatGPT for online teachers? AI can be a very powerful tool in lots of areas of work for online language teachers. Here’s how.

Are there uses of ChatGPT for online teachers? AI can be a very powerful tool in lots of areas of work for online language teachers. Here's how.

Enjoy Teach Languages Online Your Way

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What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a tool that allows you to ask questions or ‘chat’ to an AI ‘large language model’, in particular one built by the company OpenAI. The quantity of data it draws from means that you have relatively ‘natural’ conversations.

Is AI something to be scared of?

With a plethora of Black-Mirror-esque dystopian films where the robots take over, it’s easy to see where the fear of AI comes from. Part of this is founded in the idea of not necessarily knowing and/or trusting the full ins and outs of who is behind a particular technology.

I can’t answer the question with a solid answer. However, I believe that much like social media and many other things, AI is a tool. And that tool’s potential damage is dependant on the uses that a user gives it.

A knife can do a great job helping you to prepare dinner, but equally it could kill another human if the user decided to use the tool in that way.

So perhaps a better question is ‘are users of AI something to be scared of?’

Again, difficult to answer.

But if there’s one thing that eliminates fear most effectively it’s knowledge. So by engaging with and understanding the basics of things like AI, you are able to be better equipped to answer that question for yourself, as well as use these tools for good.

Does AI mean I never have to write a blog post again?

No. Well, not yet at least, and hopefully not ever.

Let me explain.

Sure, you can ask AI to write a blog post for you, but it will sound a little…clunky? Artificial? Not quite in your voice.

The best way to bring AI tools into your online language teaching business is as a tool and facilitator but not to become overly reliant on it to create everything for you. Copying and pasting a block of AI produced text without proof-reading isn’t what we’re talking about here.

ChatGPT for Online Teachers.

We could have made this more broad and talking about how online language teachers can use AI, but to be honest, AI is already integrated into many tools that you perhaps already use – Canva, your social media scheduler, Gmail.

Perhaps you’ve used these features without even noticing.

So instead we’ll focus on ChatGPT specifically.

Generate & Expand Content Ideas

Rather than rely on ChatGPT to fully write your blog articles for you, instead use it to generate ideas.

So, for example, if you want to write a blog article called ‘5 Ways to Refresh Your Language Learning Motivation’, you could try this in ChatGPT:

  • Suggest 10 ways to refresh your language learning motivation that would be suitable for a blog article for intermediate language learners who are already quite experienced for the website [insert your website here]

Here’s what that generated:

Title: "10 Effective Strategies to Reignite Your Language Learning Motivation"

Welcome to Lindsay Does Languages! In this article, we will explore ten powerful strategies to refresh and reignite your language learning motivation. Whether you're an intermediate language learner seeking a boost or have hit a plateau, these techniques will inspire you to continue your language learning journey with renewed enthusiasm.

Set Clear Goals:
Define specific and achievable language learning goals that align with your interests and aspirations. Break them down into smaller milestones, and celebrate your progress along the way. Clear goals provide direction and a sense of purpose, fueling your motivation.

Explore New Topics and Themes:
Challenge yourself by exploring new topics or themes within your target language. Dive into areas that pique your curiosity, such as history, music, cuisine, or literature. Learning about subjects you're passionate about will make the language learning process more engaging and enjoyable.

Engage with Authentic Content:
Immerse yourself in authentic content like movies, TV shows, books, or podcasts in your target language. Exposure to real-world language usage enhances your comprehension skills and exposes you to different cultural perspectives, reigniting your passion for language learning.

Connect with Native Speakers:
Seek opportunities to connect with native speakers through language exchange platforms, conversation groups, or online communities. Engaging in conversations with native speakers not only improves your language skills but also provides cultural insights and fosters meaningful connections.

Gamify Your Learning:
Turn language learning into a game by using apps, websites, or language learning platforms that incorporate gamification elements. Earn points, complete challenges, and track your progress. The element of competition and achievement will make your language learning journey more exciting.
Diversify Your Learning Resources:
Introduce new learning resources into your routine, such as podcasts, YouTube channels, language learning blogs, or online courses. Variety keeps your learning experience fresh and exposes you to different teaching styles and perspectives.

Join Language Learning Challenges:
Participate in language learning challenges or events like language marathons, weekly writing prompts, or vocabulary challenges. Engaging in community-driven activities creates a sense of camaraderie and accountability while adding an element of fun to your language learning journey.

Take Language Breaks:
Allow yourself occasional breaks from intensive language learning. Use this time to recharge, explore other hobbies, or delve into cultural activities related to your target language. A well-deserved break can rejuvenate your motivation and prevent burnout.

Track Your Progress:
Maintain a language learning journal or utilize language tracking apps to record your progress. Reflecting on how far you've come can boost your motivation and serve as a reminder of your accomplishments, even during challenging times.

Celebrate Small Victories:
Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Reward yourself for completing a challenging lesson, having a successful conversation, or reaching a language milestone. Celebrating these victories reinforces your motivation and instills a sense of accomplishment.

By implementing these ten strategies, you'll reignite your language learning motivation and continue to progress on your journey. Remember, language learning is a lifelong adventure, and staying motivated is key to achieving success. Embrace the joy of learning, stay committed, and enjoy the process as you navigate the linguistic wonders that await you!

As you can see, it’s not a publishable blog, but we do have some ideas we can springboard from.

First of all, let’s talk more about the prompt. We asked for 10 ways when we were only planning on a blog including 5 because this gives us flexibility. We might really resonate with 5 out of the 10 ideas. Or we might love all 10 and expand the article.

Another thing to note from the prompt was that we asked specifically who it is for – ‘intermediate language learners who are already quite experienced’. And we also included which website we want to publish it on to be even more specific. I’ve got to be honest and say I’m not sure if it’s yet smart enough to use your website as a benchmark of ‘content style’, but who’s to say it won’t in the future if not now? So it feels like a useful extra.

Give You Hashtags & SEO Word Ideas

The free version of ChatGPT has limited knowledge after 2021 (at the time of writing in 2023!). So it’s not going to be the most up-to-date option for getting hashtag and SEO word ideas, but if you like to keep your tech tools to a minimum, it won’t be drastically different.

Try a prompt such as:

  • I teach people how to learn languages. Generate 3 batches of 30 hashtags that I can add to Instagram feed post captions for my account @lindsaydoeslanguages that will reach smart, independent and eager language learners.

Here’s what was generated for this:

Batch 1:
1. #LanguageLearnersUnite
2. #SmartLanguageLearners
3. #IndependentLearners
4. #EagerToLearn
5. #LanguageJourney
6. #PolyglotCommunity
7. #Linguaphiles
8. #PassionateLearners
9. #LanguageGoals
10. #LifelongLearners
11. #EmpoweredLanguageLearners
12. #LanguageMastery
13. #LoveForLanguages
14. #DedicatedLearners
15. #LanguageAdventure
16. #MotivatedLanguageLearners
17. #LanguagePassion
18. #CuriousMinds
19. #LearnWithPassion
20. #BilingualGoals
21. #AmbitiousLearners
22. #LanguageLovers
23. #LearnEveryDay
24. #MultilingualMinds
25. #LanguageRevolution
26. #UnlockYourLanguage
27. #LingoLovers
28. #PolyglotGoals
29. #SpeakWithConfidence
30. #LanguageEmpowerment

Batch 2:
1. #SmartLanguageHacks
2. #IndependentLanguageLearning
3. #EagerForLanguages
4. #LanguageTipsAndTricks
5. #LanguageResources
6. #LearnLanguagesEfficiently
7. #LanguageLearningCommunity
8. #EmpoweredLanguageLearning
9. #LanguageInspiration
10. #LanguageProgress
11. #LanguageFluency
12. #MasteringLanguages
13. #LanguageAcquisition
14. #LanguageFun
15. #LanguageAdventure
16. #PolyglotInspiration
17. #LanguageMotivation
18. #LanguageStudyTips
19. #BecomingMultilingual
20. #LearnLanguagesTogether
21. #LanguageDiscoveries
22. #LanguageExploration
23. #LanguageJourneyContinues
24. #LoveForLanguageLearning
25. #CuriousLanguageLearners
26. #LanguageEnthusiasts
27. #MultilingualCommunity
28. #LanguageLearningResources
29. #LinguaLearners
30. #LanguageSkillsDevelopment

Batch 3:
1. #SmartAndCuriousLearners
2. #IndependentLanguageExplorers
3. #EagerToDiscoverLanguages
4. #LanguageLearningInspiration
5. #PassionateAboutLanguages
6. #LanguageStudyMotivation
7. #LanguageLearningGoals
8. #EmpoweredLinguists
9. #LanguageLearningTips
10. #MasteringLanguageSkills
11. #LanguageProficiency
12. #LanguageLearningAdventure
13. #PolyglotJourney
14. #MotivatedByLanguages
15. #LanguageSuccess
16. #LanguageChallenges
17. #BilingualLife
18. #AmbitiousLanguageLearners
19. #LanguageNerds
20. #LearnLanguagesEveryday
21. #LanguageLearningInspires
22. #LanguageDiversity
23. #MultilingualMindsUnite
24. #LanguageBreakthroughs
25. #CuriosityForLanguages
26. #LanguageExplorers
27. #LanguageLearningSupport
28. #LinguaAddicts
29. #LanguageLearningTipsAndTricks
30. #LanguageMinds

You can do similar things to get ideas on SEO keywords for particular topics. For example:

  • I write blog articles on for smart independent language learners who want to get better at language learning. I am writing a blog article titled ‘5 Ways to Refresh Your Language Learning Motivation’. What would be some SEO optimised keywords that would be worth including in the blog article?
For your blog article titled '5 Ways to Refresh Your Language Learning Motivation,' here are some SEO-optimized keywords that you can consider including:

1. Language learning motivation
2. Refresh language learning
3. Language learning inspiration
4. Motivate language learners
5. Language learning strategies
6. Boost language learning motivation
7. Language learning goals
8. Language learning progress
9. Stay motivated in language learning
10. Language learning tips
11. Language learning techniques
12. Revive language learning motivation
13. Reenergize language learning
14. Language learning mindset
15. Language learning challenges
16. Overcome language learning slump
17. Language learning commitment
18. Language learning self-motivation
19. Language learning motivation techniques
20. Language learning rewards

Remember to seamlessly integrate these keywords into your content while ensuring that it remains valuable, engaging, and informative for your readers. Strive for a natural flow, and provide practical tips and insights to help your audience refresh their language learning motivation.

I also recommend using the AIOSEO plugin in you’re on WordPress. This gives you an idea of individual words and short phrases that are different types of SEO words – common, uncommon, emotional, and power words.

I have a list to get you started with these in your free Content Tracker. Join my email list below to get your copy now.

Help Plan Your Launches

If you’ve done one before, you’ll know that there’s a lot that goes into a live launch!

Use ChatGPT to help figure out a launch calendar, give you ideas for email subject lines and topics, and plan your bonuses, to name just three suggestions.

Here’s an example with the results…

  • I have created an online course in which I teach intermediate French learners the essential grammar they need to go beyond the intermediate plateau. Can you create a one week launch plan for me to promote this new course to my existing email list of French learners? Include emails, social media, and live webinars as well as other promotional ideas.
Certainly! Here's a one-week launch plan to promote your new online course for intermediate French learners to your existing email list:

Day 1:
- Email: Send an announcement email to your email list, introducing your new online course and highlighting its value. Explain how the course addresses the specific needs of intermediate learners and helps them overcome the plateau. Include a link to a dedicated landing page for the course.

Day 2:
- Social Media Post: Share a captivating image or video on your social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, teasing the launch of your new online course. Mention the benefits of joining the course and direct your followers to the landing page for more information.

Day 3:
- Email: Send an email with a testimonial from a previous student who has taken your course or a similar course you've offered in the past. Highlight their progress and how the course helped them break through the intermediate plateau. Include a clear call-to-action encouraging recipients to enroll in the course.

Day 4:
- Social Media Live Q&A: Host a live Q&A session on one of your social media platforms, where you answer questions related to intermediate French learning and share insights from your new course. Promote the session a few days in advance to generate interest and allow your audience to submit their questions in advance.

Day 5:
- Email: Send a reminder email to your email list about the upcoming enrollment deadline for your course. Emphasize any limited-time bonuses or discounts available for early enrollees. Include testimonials, course details, and the enrollment link to encourage registrations.

Day 6:
- Social Media Post: Share a video or blog post that offers a preview of one of the essential grammar lessons covered in your course. Give learners a taste of the valuable content they can expect and encourage them to enroll to learn more.

Day 7:
- Live Webinar: Host a live webinar focused on an intermediate French grammar topic that complements your course content. During the webinar, share valuable insights, tips, and examples to showcase your expertise and generate interest in your course. Offer an exclusive discount or bonus for attendees who enroll during or immediately after the webinar.

Throughout the launch week:
- Social Media Engagement: Regularly engage with your audience on social media by responding to comments, asking questions, and sharing valuable French learning tips. Encourage your followers to share their experiences and interact with your content.

Bonus Ideas:
- Offer a limited-time "early bird" discount for those who enroll within the first few days of the launch.
- Collaborate with relevant French language influencers or bloggers for cross-promotion.
- Create short teaser videos featuring snippets of your course content and share them on social media.
- Send personalized emails to your most engaged subscribers, highlighting the course and its benefits based on their specific language learning goals.

Remember to adjust and customize the launch plan to fit your audience and the specifics of your course. Stay consistent with your messaging across different channels and ensure you provide clear and compelling calls-to-action to encourage enrollment in your course. Good luck with your launch!

Personally, I recommend including more emails and adjusting as fits your needs and where you hang out and connect the most with people.

Generate Conversation Starters & More for Students

AI tools aren’t just useful for online language teachers for marketing. ChatGPT can help online language teachers generate conversation starters and other lesson ideas to use with students in 1:1 and group lessons.

Whether it’s simply asking “What are some ideas to make teaching Portuguese grammar fun?” or something more detailed like this one…

  • I teach A2 Portuguese learners. We’re learning about how to talk about family and friends right now. Can you suggest at least 15 conversation starters I can use in our next lesson?
Certainly! Here are 15 conversation starters you can use in your next lesson with A2 Portuguese learners, focusing on talking about family and friends:

1. Quem são as pessoas mais importantes na sua família? (Who are the most important people in your family?)
2. Você tem irmãos ou irmãs? Como se chamam? (Do you have any siblings? What are their names?)
3. Conte-me sobre o seu melhor amigo(a). (Tell me about your best friend.)
4. Como você descreveria o seu relacionamento com seus pais? (How would you describe your relationship with your parents?)
5. Você tem animais de estimação? Quais são seus nomes? (Do you have any pets? What are their names?)
6. Qual é a sua lembrança favorita com a sua família? (What is your favorite memory with your family?)
7. Você costuma fazer programas em família nos fins de semana? Quais? (Do you usually do activities with your family on weekends? Which ones?)
8. Você tem algum primo ou prima com quem você é muito próximo(a)? (Do you have any cousins you're very close to?)
9. Como você costuma comemorar aniversários na sua família? (How do you usually celebrate birthdays in your family?)
10. Você tem um herói na sua família? Quem é e por quê? (Do you have a hero in your family? Who is it and why?)
11. Você tem algum irmão ou irmã mais velho(a)? Como é a relação de vocês? (Do you have any older siblings? What is your relationship like?)
12. O que você mais gosta de fazer quando está com seus amigos? (What do you enjoy doing the most when you're with your friends?)
13. Como você conheceu o(a) seu(sua) melhor amigo(a)? (How did you meet your best friend?)
14. Quais características você valoriza em um(a) amigo(a)? (What qualities do you value in a friend?)
15. Existe alguém na sua família com quem você se parece muito? (Is there anyone in your family you resemble a lot?)

These conversation starters will encourage your students to practice talking about their family members, friends, and personal experiences, helping them develop their Portuguese speaking skills. Feel free to adapt and personalize the questions based on your students' specific backgrounds and interests.

Notice how the questions are even in Portuguese?! Pretty impressive. Of course, I also recommend checking anything not produced in English as they’re working with far less data for other languages, given that English is over half of the Internet for a start!

Storytelling Help

One of the most useful skills for online language teachers is storytelling, and ChatGPT can help you get better at that.

This is a use where you’re really relying on ChatGPT to teach you rather than give you the answers. Your voice is essential to storytelling in your marketing, your lessons, and your products.

Here’s an idea of how to do that:

  • Can you teach me more about the Pixar Storytelling Model?
Certainly! The Pixar Storytelling Model is a framework developed by Pixar Animation Studios to create compelling and emotionally resonant stories. Pixar is renowned for producing beloved animated films that captivate audiences of all ages. The model consists of six key elements that contribute to successful storytelling. Let's explore each element in more detail:

1. The Story Spine: The story spine refers to the underlying structure of a narrative. It consists of the following essential components: Once upon a time... Every day... Until one day... Because of that... Because of that... Until finally... And ever since then... The story spine helps provide a clear trajectory for the narrative and ensures a logical flow of events.

2. The Central Theme: The central theme is the core message or idea that the story seeks to communicate. It provides depth and meaning to the story, resonating with the audience on a deeper level. A strong theme helps guide the plot, character development, and emotional arcs throughout the story.

3. Character Development: Compelling characters are crucial in engaging the audience. Pixar emphasizes the importance of creating well-rounded and relatable characters with clear goals, desires, and conflicts. Characters should evolve and grow throughout the story, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles that lead to personal transformation.

4. Story Structure: Pixar emphasizes the importance of a well-crafted story structure. This typically includes an introduction of the main characters and the world they inhabit, followed by the inciting incident that sets the story in motion. The story then progresses through rising action, a climactic moment, falling action, and resolution. A well-structured story keeps the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

5. Visual Storytelling: Visual storytelling is a hallmark of Pixar films. Through vibrant and imaginative animation, they create visually stunning worlds that enhance the story's impact. Effective use of colors, lighting, composition, and cinematography adds depth, emotion, and visual interest to the narrative.

6. Emotional Resonance: Pixar films are renowned for evoking strong emotions in their audiences. By creating relatable characters, establishing emotional stakes, and crafting compelling story arcs, they connect with viewers on an emotional level. Emotional resonance allows the audience to become emotionally invested in the story and its characters.

By incorporating these elements into storytelling, the Pixar model helps creators develop narratives that entertain, engage, and inspire audiences. It serves as a valuable guide for crafting meaningful and impactful stories across various mediums, including film, literature, and other forms of storytelling.

Whether you're an aspiring writer, filmmaker, or simply a fan of storytelling, understanding the Pixar Storytelling Model can provide valuable insights and techniques for creating compelling narratives.
  • Can you give me feedback on a story I wrote?

It said yes. So I wrote a very quick story using the Story Spine template it gave me when I asked about Pixar…

  • Once upon a time there was a Japanese learner named Keith. Every day he studied Japanese on his favourite language app. Until one day his phone broke. Because of that he lost his streak. Because of that he gave up Japanese. Until finally he realised that his app streak doesn’t make him a perfect language learner. And ever since then he has gotten even better at Japanese by using a variety of fun resources and methods. 
Thank you for sharing your story! Overall, it's a concise and relatable narrative that conveys a clear message about the importance of finding diverse and enjoyable resources for language learning. Here are a few suggestions to enhance the story:

1. Add more specific details: To make the story more engaging, consider adding specific examples or anecdotes that illustrate Keith's journey. This could include particular challenges he faced, moments of frustration, or specific resources and methods he discovered that helped him improve.

2. Expand on the turning point: When Keith gives up Japanese, it could be beneficial to delve deeper into the emotions and thoughts he experiences during this period. Explore the reasons behind his initial discouragement and his subsequent realization about the limitations of relying solely on an app streak.

3. Show the process of exploration: After Keith's realization, you can provide some examples of the different fun resources and methods he starts using to learn Japanese. This could include specific websites, language exchange partners, cultural immersion activities, or any other resources that have contributed to his growth.

4. Consider a more conclusive ending: The current ending implies Keith's improvement, but it would be helpful to provide a bit more closure. You could briefly mention a specific milestone or accomplishment Keith achieves in his Japanese language learning journey, reinforcing the idea that his willingness to explore different methods paid off.

By incorporating these suggestions, you can enhance the story's depth and make it even more relatable and inspiring for language learners. Remember to maintain a clear structure, keep the story concise, and focus on the central message of the importance of varied and enjoyable language learning resources. Great job on your storytelling, and I hope these suggestions are helpful!

Pretty cool!

Code Support for Your Website

ChatGPT doesn’t just produce text-based ideas. It can also create code. Yup.

I tried a full on task to start here…

  • Can you create some html code to make a basic homepage for my website The theme colours are #123456 and #098765 and fonts are Comic Sans and Times New Roman. I teach people how to learn languages, have 20 years experience learning languages myself, earned a BA (Hons) in Modern Language Studies and an MA in Applied Linguistics, and my name is Lindsay.
Certainly! Here's a basic HTML code snippet to create a homepage for your website,, based on the provided theme colors, fonts, and information:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Lindsay Does Languages</title>
    body {
      background-color: #123456;
      font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive;
      color: #098765;
      text-align: center;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

    h1 {
      font-family: "Times New Roman", serif;
      font-size: 32px;
      margin-top: 150px;

    p {
      font-size: 18px;
      margin-bottom: 20px;

    .credentials {
      font-weight: bold;
<body data-rsssl=1>
  <h1>Welcome to Lindsay Does Languages</h1>
  <p>I'm Lindsay, and I'm here to help you learn languages!</p>
  <p class="credentials">With over 20 years of language learning experience</p>
  <p class="credentials">BA (Hons) in Modern Language Studies</p>
  <p class="credentials">MA in Applied Linguistics</p>

You can copy and paste this code into a new HTML file (e.g., `index.html`) and save it in the root directory of your website. Adjust the content and formatting as desired. This code sets the background color to `#123456`, the font colors to `#098765`, and uses "Comic Sans MS" as the main font and "Times New Roman" for the heading. The content includes a welcome message, information about your credentials, and a centered alignment.

Feel free to customize this code further based on your specific design preferences and website structure.

Impressive, huh? I tested this to see how it looked…

Visual html preview of the code generated by ChatGPT

It’s not pretty. But I gave it data that made it that way.

However, it’s more likely you’ll need this for smaller one off tasks then building a whole website!

Let’s try another one…

  • Can you write html and css code for my website clickable buttons? Background colour #123456, font colour #098765, font Comic Sans, hover colour #135791
Certainly! Here's an example of HTML and CSS code to create clickable buttons for your website with the provided styles:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Your Website</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<body data-rsssl=1>
  <button class="my-button">Click Me</button>

CSS (styles.css):
.my-button {
  background-color: #123456;
  color: #098765;
  font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive;
  font-size: 16px;
  border: none;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  cursor: pointer;
  transition: background-color 0.3s;

.my-button:hover {
  background-color: #135791;

In this code, a button element with the class "my-button" is created. The CSS styles target the "my-button" class and apply the provided background color (#123456), font color (#098765), font family (Comic Sans), and padding. The `transition` property adds a smooth color transition effect when hovering over the button. The `:hover` pseudo-class targets the button when it is being hovered and changes the background color to the provided hover color (#135791).

Feel free to adjust the class name, button text, and any other styling properties according to your specific needs. You can also add more buttons with different classes and styles as needed. Remember to link the CSS file (styles.css) to your HTML file by using the `<link>` tag in the head section.
Visual html preview of the code generated by ChatGPT

As you can tell, I kept the colours and fonts pretty weird – demo purposes!

To take this further if you’re relatively confident with coding, you can even produce simple WordPress plugins.

If you ever need code for those little snags on your website, ChatGPT can be useful for that.

Social Media & Micro Copy Ideas

But what do you write on those buttons? We’ll start with some research…

  • What does research into website clickable buttons find?
Research into website clickable buttons provides insights into various aspects of button design and user behavior. Here are some key findings from research studies:

1. Button Placement: Studies suggest that users tend to look for buttons in the expected or conventional areas of a webpage. Placing buttons in prominent positions, such as the top-right corner or center of the screen, can improve their visibility and increase click-through rates.

2. Button Size: Larger buttons are generally more effective in attracting user attention and encouraging interaction. Research indicates that increasing button size can lead to higher click rates and improved user experience, especially on mobile devices where touch targets need to be easily clickable.

3. Button Contrast: Creating contrast between the button and its surrounding elements helps draw attention to the button. Studies show that high-contrast buttons, such as using a different background color or strong color contrast, improve visibility and increase clickability.

4. Button Labeling: Clear and concise button labels enhance usability and reduce confusion. Research suggests that descriptive and action-oriented labels, such as "Sign Up," "Buy Now," or "Learn More," are more effective in conveying the button's purpose and encouraging users to take action.

5. Button Feedback: Providing visual feedback when users interact with buttons, such as changing the button's appearance on hover or click, helps users understand that the button is interactive. This feedback reassures users that their actions are registered and improves the overall user experience.

6. Button Accessibility: Designing buttons with accessibility in mind ensures that they are usable for individuals with disabilities. This includes providing sufficient color contrast, using descriptive alternative text for screen readers, and ensuring proper focus states for keyboard navigation.

7. A/B Testing: Conducting A/B testing or user testing on button design variations can provide valuable insights into user preferences and behaviors. It allows designers to gather data-driven feedback and make informed decisions about button design optimizations.

It's important to note that these findings may vary depending on the specific context, target audience, and design goals of your website. Conducting user research and usability testing specific to your website can provide further insights and help you tailor button design to your users' needs and preferences.

I wanted to know about the writing, the copy on those buttons. So let’s ask again…

  • Tell me more about number 4. What copy is most effective on clickable buttons on websites?
When it comes to creating effective copy for clickable buttons on websites, several principles have emerged from research and best practices. Here are some key considerations:

1. Action-Oriented Language: Button copy should use action-oriented and specific language that clearly communicates what will happen when the button is clicked. Verbs such as "Get," "Join," "Download," "Learn," or "Buy" convey a clear call to action and encourage users to take the desired action.

2. Clarity and Conciseness: Button copy should be concise and easy to understand at a glance. Use clear and straightforward wording that conveys the button's purpose without unnecessary complexity. Avoid ambiguity or jargon that could confuse users.

3. Benefit-Focused Messaging: Highlighting the benefits or value users will gain by clicking the button can be persuasive. Consider incorporating short phrases or words that emphasize the positive outcomes users can expect, such as "Unlock Exclusive Content," "Save Time," or "Discover New Opportunities."

4. Personalization: Tailoring button copy to the specific context or target audience can increase its effectiveness. Use language that resonates with your audience, taking into account their motivations, interests, and needs. For example, instead of a generic "Submit" button, you might use "Get Your Free Trial" or "Start Your Journey" to appeal to specific user desires.

5. Urgency or Scarcity: Creating a sense of urgency or scarcity can drive action. Incorporating time-limited or limited-availability language can prompt users to take immediate action. For example, "Limited Time Offer" or "Only 3 Spots Left" can create a sense of urgency and encourage users to click.

6. Visual Hierarchy and Formatting: Make sure the button stands out visually and is easy to find. Use formatting techniques such as contrasting colors, larger font sizes, and prominent placement to draw attention to the button. Ensure that the button is visually distinct from other elements on the page.

7. User Testing and Iteration: Conducting user testing and A/B testing can help identify the most effective button copy for your specific audience and goals. Testing different variations of button copy can provide valuable insights into user preferences and behavior, allowing you to refine and optimize the copy for maximum impact.

Remember, the effectiveness of button copy may vary depending on the specific context and target audience of your website. It's essential to consider your users' needs, align the copy with your overall messaging, and test and iterate to find the most persuasive and compelling language for your clickable buttons.

The more you know!

This sort of enquiry can be adjusted for all those smaller bit of your copy such as social media captions, social media bios, email subject lines etc.

Create a Quiz

If you’re after. quick icebreaker for live sessions, or would like something to engage with people on social media, create a quick quiz with ChatGPT.

Simply ask it something like this:

  • I’m hosting a language learning themed quiz night. Can you give me 20 questions and answers I can use?
Certainly! Here are 20 language learning-themed quiz questions along with their answers:

1. Question: What is the term for a person who speaks multiple languages?
   Answer: Polyglot.

2. Question: What is the study of the history and origin of words called?
   Answer: Etymology.

3. Question: Which language has the most native speakers in the world?
   Answer: Mandarin Chinese.

4. Question: What is the term for a word that has the same meaning as another word?
   Answer: Synonym.

5. Question: What is the opposite of the word "synonym"?
   Answer: Antonym.

6. Question: What is the process of learning a language without studying it directly called?
   Answer: Immersion.

7. Question: Which language family does English belong to?
   Answer: Indo-European.

8. Question: What is the term for a word or phrase that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning?
   Answer: Idiom.

9. Question: What language is widely known as the "Language of Love"?
   Answer: French.

10. Question: What is the correct term for a word that is spelled the same but has different meanings?
    Answer: Homonym.

11. Question: What is the process of learning a second language as an adult called?
    Answer: Second language acquisition.

12. Question: Which language uses a non-Latin alphabet and is written from right to left?
    Answer: Arabic.

13. Question: What is the largest language by total number of speakers in Europe?
    Answer: Russian.

14. Question: What is the term for a word that sounds like the noise it describes, such as "buzz" or "hiss"?
    Answer: Onomatopoeia.

15. Question: Which language is considered the oldest written language still in existence?
    Answer: Chinese.

16. Question: What is the process of switching between two or more languages within a conversation called?
    Answer: Code-switching.

17. Question: What is the study of language structure and rules called?
    Answer: Linguistics.

18. Question: Which language is widely used in international diplomacy and business?
    Answer: English.

19. Question: What is the term for a word that is derived from a proper noun, such as "sandwich" from the Earl of Sandwich?
    Answer: Eponym.

20. Question: What is the process of acquiring one's first language as a child called?
    Answer: First language acquisition.

Feel free to use these questions for your language learning-themed quiz night! Adjust the difficulty level or add more questions based on the preferences and knowledge level of your participants.

I have to be honest, some of the questions were a little easy…so I asked:

  • make the questions harder 😉

…and got 10 additional more difficult questions.

Certainly! Here are 10 more challenging language learning-themed quiz questions along with their answers:

1. Question: What is the term for a word that has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used?
   Answer: Polysemy.

2. Question: What is the study of the sound system of a language called?
   Answer: Phonetics.

3. Question: Which language uses the Cyrillic alphabet?
   Answer: Russian.

4. Question: What is the process of combining words to create a new word called?
   Answer: Compounding.

5. Question: What is the term for a language that is no longer spoken by any community?
   Answer: Extinct language.

6. Question: Which language is considered the most difficult for English speakers to learn?
   Answer: Mandarin Chinese.

7. Question: What is the process of consciously or unconsciously adopting features of another language while speaking or writing called?
   Answer: Language transfer.

8. Question: Which language uses a unique writing system consisting of characters that represent syllables?
   Answer: Japanese.

9. Question: What is the study of the social and cultural aspects of language and communication called?
   Answer: Sociolinguistics.

10. Question: Which language family does Turkish belong to?
    Answer: Turkic.

These questions should provide a bit more challenge for your language learning-themed quiz night. Feel free to mix them with the previous set of questions to create a well-rounded and engaging quiz experience.

Check translations quickly

Of course there’s individual translation tools like Google Translate and DeepL, but if you’re already in ChatGPT, it can work in different languages too.

We saw this already with an example above.

So this means a chance to double check any quick translations, a tool to recommend to students to practice their text-based conversations, and a way to get direct feedback and learning for you in languages other than English.

I’ve tried this in Guarani and even then, it still works not too terribly, which is impressive!

But I wanted to find out just how powerful it is on the language front, so I asked directly:

  • How many languages to do understand and can respond in?

ChatGPT repsonded:

“As an AI language model, I have been trained on a wide variety of text from the internet, which includes content from multiple languages. While I can understand and generate responses in several languages, my proficiency and accuracy may vary depending on the specific language. My performance is generally strongest in English, but I can also handle other languages such as Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean to some extent. However, please note that my responses may not always be perfect or fully accurate in languages other than English.”

I think they’re being modest.