Language Script Challenge 2015 update video 2 alphabet writing system study schedule lindsay does languages blog February update
Hello! Welcome to the second update of my Language Script Challenge! In 2015, I’ll be exposing myself to 31 different scripts, alphabets, and writing systems as a way to open up my world a little bit more and get a glimpse into other languages I know very little, or even nothing, about.

So far, I’ve looked at 7 different alphabets or writing systems and this month I’m delving into four new ones: Devanagari, Amharic, Khmer, and Braille.

I was asked by a few people in various virtual places about what I’m doing to learn these scripts. In this update video, I talk a little about that as well as discussing my progress so far. Enjoy!

How did your language learning go in February? What do you have planned for March? Share in the comments!