Hosted by myself, Kris Broholm, Angel Pretot and Shannon of Eurolinguiste, we share our monthly goals and encourage you to do the same. Check the bottom of this post for more info on how to join in.

Your free planner for March!

Before we get started, it’s a new month, which means a new planner!

Click the image below to download your free monthly language learning calendar for March. Use it to keep track of your language plans and goals for the coming month. Woop!

Join the #IGLC in March!

Need a little accountability? Join the Instagram Language Challenge for March.

It’a a completely free way to share your studies, connect with equally language-obsessed folk, and learn a little language each day. Click here to find out more about how to join in.

Join the Instagram Language Challenge and learn a little language each day with Instagram. Click through to learn more! >>

Language Learning Review for February


Complete Indonesian – I didn’t bring my book to France with me. I also didn’t finish setting up my Memrise course for the vocab so this didn’t happen.

Memrise – I did a great job keeping my streak in January – and did this in February too…except that I lost my streak somehow because of the time difference (an hour?! How is that possible?!)

Facebook – I wanted to go deep with a Facebook post in Indonesian each day but didn’t have time for this and it wasn’t a priority so it didn’t really happen.

Language Reading Challenge

Reading Les Miserables – This didn’t really happen. I started with good intentions. Managed to read chapter one in one go on the train, then didn’t get time to sit and read the whole of chapter two in one go which always makes it difficult to follow a book for me.

But beyond that, I did feel that it was kind of a dull book. Also I discovered Modern Family on French Netflix, which isn’t on UK Netflix. So I spent my evenings catching up on that instead – with French subtitles I might add!

However, the original February challenge was “translation of a book from your native language”. So I picked up a Goosebumps from a second-hand bookshop here that at the time of writing I’m almost done with.

I’ll be finishing it off on my journey home to the UK. I’ll also share soon how I’ve read it and what techniques I’ve used to make the most of my time on it.

Language Learning Goals for March


I’ll be sticking with (or rather getting back to) Indonesian in March. It’s likely to be my last month focused solely on the language at the moment, but we’ll see.

I’m at a point now of absorbing everything I’ve taken in so far. March will be mostly about vocab revision and acquisition, and producing the language through speaking with italki and writing with Lang-8.

Here’s my goals…

Complete Indonesian – Going home, I’ll be revisiting my main course book and completing the Memrise vocab course I’m working on.

Memrise – Gotta keep that 5 word a day streak!

italki – To get me speaking again, I’m booking one session a week with my tutor.

Lang-8 – Lang-8 is one of those tools that I’ve known about for ages but never really taken advantage of. I’m going to try it this month.

Language Reading Challenge

The theme for Shannon’s Language Reading Challenge in March is a book about someone who learns a language (can be fiction or non-fiction).

I got sent the book When in French a few months back, which is about the author Lauren Collin’s story learning French after falling in love with a Frenchman.

So to keep me from getting French withdrawal symptoms when I get home, I’ll read this book in March.

Join Clear the list!

1. Share your goal post whether it includes your aspirations for the month or year. Submissions unrelated to the theme or links to your homepage will be deleted.

2. Link back to this post. You can use our button code below if you wish.

3. Follow the hosts: Lindsay from Lindsay Does Languages, Shannon from Eurolinguiste, Kris from Actual Fluency and Angel from French Lover.

4. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: Please visit the site of the person who linked up immediately before you and leave them an encouraging comment! By hosting this linkup, we’re hoping to create a positive community where we can all share our goals. If you do not do this, you will be removed from the linkup.

5. Share on social media using #ClearTheList.

Set your language learning goals as a part of the Clear the List Link Up hosted by Shannon Kennedy of Eurolinguiste, Lindsay Dow of Lindsay Does Languages, Angel Pretot of French Lover, and Kris Broholm of Actual Fluency #clearthelist

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Set your language learning goals as a part of the Clear the List Link Up hosted by Shannon Kennedy of Eurolinguiste, Lindsay Dow of Lindsay Does Languages, Angel Pretot of French Lover, and Kris Broholm of Actual Fluency"><img src="" alt="Set your language learning goals as a part of the Clear the List Link Up hosted by Shannon Kennedy of Eurolinguiste, Lindsay Dow of Lindsay Does Languages, Angel Pretot of French Lover, and Kris Broholm of Actual Fluency" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Your free planner for March!

If you missed it up top, you don’t have to scroll all the way back up. Heck no.

Click the image below to get your language learning calendar planner straight to your inbox for free, amigo. Woop!

P.S. If you’re already on my mailing list, use your password to get it direct from the Little Language Library.

Which language are you learning this month? What do you want to achieve? Join Clear The List to share your goals or comment below!