The summer is over! As autumn sets in, it’s a great time to sit in on those rainy days and get plenty of content ideas squirrelled away so you’re ready for the next season of your business. Here’s how to create 3 months worth of content in just one day.

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Quick And Easy Content Creation: Get More Done In Less Time

Collect Ideas

You can’t create anything if you’ve not got any ideas. Well, you can, but often that results in a blank page and a flickering cursor.

To avoid that scenario and save us time and energy wasted on the wrong things, we’ll start with some ideas curation.

Draft Your List

Chances are that you already have a few ideas floating around in your head.

Write everything down.

It could be a solid title, a single word topic, or a wordy description of what you want to say. Get it all noted down and out of your head.

We’ll refine it as we go.

Create Rough Categories

It can be useful to have some content categories in mind.

Not only does this help with the process of creation for you, but it also means you’re selecting the most relevant topics that will appeal to the right kinds of people.

For example, if you want to work with intermediate learners, there’s no need to waste your time writing posts suitable for beginners.

A quick note here – it’s always worth considering the end goal of where people want to be too. That content may not be right for them right now, but if there’s aspiration, that’s inspiring!

Answer FAQs

If you’re drawing a blank on ideas for what to write about, it can be helpful to think back (or even browse your inbox and DMs) for frequently asked questions.

What do people want to know about? How can you repurpose your response into one solid piece of content so that you’ve always got a link to share with them?

Answer The Public (& Google Trends)

And if you’re new and no-one is asking questions yet, no problem! Use tools like Answer The Public and Google Trends to generate commonly searched for questions and phrases.

Start with a simple word or short phrase such as ‘learn French’, and discover what else people are searching for with that phrase.

These can make great topics for new and useful content.

Include Promotions

The worst thing you can do is keep your content as a separate entity to your actual products and services. So you want to be sure to include promotions when you can, both live launches and evergreen offerings.

Consider Your Live Launches

First of all, it’s worth assessing your calendar and figuring out when would fit for you to do a live launch in the coming months.

Remember, live launches don’t always have to be huge (they can be, and they can be lots of fun that way too!). So it could simply be that one month you focus your content on a particular topic that is related to one particular online course you have.

For example, if you have an online course called French Grammar 101, some content ideas for a month might include:

  • What All Learners Get Wrong About French Grammar
  • The 8 Most Common French Grammar Mistakes (& How to Avoid Them)
  • Why Improving Your French Grammar Will Help You Speak Fluently
  • What To Know Before Studying French Grammar

These all have the chance to act as ‘prelude’ content to the course itself.

You’re not ‘cannibalising’ the course by rehashing it in blog/podcast/video form.

Instead, you’re sharing with people a taste of some common mistakes (a little bit touching on the course itself perhaps, but not fully), why French grammar is worth learning, and giving people the information they need to know before getting started.

Include Affiliate Content

There may be seasons when live launches just aren’t an option. In those moments, it can be a great opportunity to create some evergreen and always-relevant affiliate content.

That means that if you’re an affiliate for an always-open product, you create content that is connected to that particular product.

Leave Space

Not everyone works in the way described above. For some people, the thought of a fully planned schedule just doesn’t create clarity and calmness.

That’s totally fine!

If you know that this is you then you can simply leave space.

Still generate ideas (step 1) and get creating (step 3), but you can leave the scheduling to happen more organically if you prefer.

Get Creating!

Step 3 is to actually make the stuff! Sometimes it can be so fun collecting ideas and planning out a schedule that the actual creation becomes an afterthought. We don’t want that. We want to be better than the countless mediocre corners of the internet. And we can be. So let’s make it

Batch It

There’s really two broad options here. The first is to batch your content.

This means that you get it all done in one go.

This could be you draft lots of content all at once, then you record it all on another day, then you finalise it all on another day, etc.

Or it could be that you do all the various tasks and stages for one piece of content on one day.

Personally, I like to do lots of writing in one go, then lots of recording, then editing, then graphics, then space out the publishing.

However, it’s really about playing to your strengths and going with what works best for you.

Regular Calendar Time

The alternative to batching is adding regular time on your calendar that is specifically allocated for specific tasks.

If you find it difficult or unproductive to batch, this can be a useful alternative to ensure stuff still gets made.

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